A shocking incident unfolded in a small town in Spain, captured by a Google Street View camera. The image showed a suspect allegedly loading a corpse into his car, leading to his arrest on murder and dismemberment charges. The incident took place in the town of Soria in October 2023, when a car equipped with a 360-degree map footage camera passed through the area and captured the disturbing scene.
In the image, the suspect, a 48-year-old individual, can be seen bending over to place a large object wrapped in white plastic into the trunk of his burgundy colored sedan. The police later identified the object as the body of Jorge Luis Perez, a 32-year-old man who was found dismembered in a cemetery in the nearby town of Andaluz.
The suspect, whose identity has not been disclosed, was arrested along with an unidentified woman believed to be the victim’s former romantic partner. The police were led to the scene by the Google Street View image, which provided crucial evidence in the investigation.
Perez’s torso was discovered in a state of advanced decomposition, but the rest of his remains have yet to be located. The suspect in the footage was dressed in jeans, a blue jacket with a Club Deportivo Numancia soccer logo, and brown boots.
This chance encounter with the Google Street View camera provided a breakthrough in the case, as no images had been captured in the remote area for over 15 years. Google Street View technology allows users to navigate maps in three dimensions using real photos captured by cameras mounted on cars driving through streets worldwide.
The investigation into this chilling crime continues, as authorities work to uncover the full extent of the gruesome events that transpired in this quiet Spanish town.