The beloved sitcom “Full House” captured the hearts of viewers worldwide when it first premiered in 1987. The Tanner family, led by widowed father Danny Tanner (played by Bob Saget), navigated the ups and downs of life with three daughters – D.J. (Candace Cameron Bure), Stephanie (Jodie Sweetin), and Michelle (Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen).
As the show unfolded over eight seasons on ABC, fans grew to love not only the Tanners but also their extended family, including Uncle Jesse (John Stamos) and best friend Joey (Dave Coulier). Lori Loughlin portrayed Becky, Jesse’s love interest, while Andrea Barber brought laughter as D.J.’s quirky best friend, Kimmy Gibbler. Steve Weinger melted hearts as Steve, D.J.’s high school sweetheart.
In 2015, excitement peaked when Netflix announced a revival series, “Fuller House,” bringing back most of the original cast members. The spinoff continued the Tanner family’s story with new adventures and challenges, though the Olsen twins did not reprise their roles. After a successful five-season run, “Fuller House” concluded in 2020, leaving fans nostalgic for the beloved characters they grew up with.
Throughout the years, the cast of “Full House” has undergone transformations, both personally and professionally. From child stars to seasoned actors, each member has carved out their own path in the entertainment industry. As we look back on the iconic series and its enduring impact, we celebrate the talented individuals who brought the Tanner family to life on screen.