Sam Harris, a renowned neuroscientist-turned-philosopher and political commentator, has recently opened up about his ongoing rift with billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk. The feud between the two prominent figures reportedly began over a disagreement regarding the severity of COVID-19.
In a post on Substack, Harris described Musk as a “world-historical figure” but also criticized him for his behavior, likening him to a “clown.” The rift between the two escalated after Musk made controversial comments about the coronavirus pandemic, which Harris found concerning.
According to Harris, their feud reached a tipping point when he urged Musk to reconsider his stance on the pandemic and take proactive measures to help combat the virus. The disagreement culminated in a bet between the two, with Musk allegedly wagering $1 million for charity against a $1,000 bottle of tequila on the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S.
When the COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. reached 35,000, Harris reached out to Musk to clarify the terms of the bet, only to be met with silence. This incident reportedly marked the end of their friendship, as Musk began to publicly criticize Harris on social media platforms.
Despite their falling out, Musk’s influence and wealth have continued to grow significantly. With reports suggesting that Musk may have a significant role in shaping federal policy in the future, Harris emphasized the importance of Musk using his resources for positive change.
In conclusion, Harris expressed hope that Musk would prioritize addressing critical global issues over engaging in petty disputes. As Musk continues to amass wealth and power, Harris urged him to focus on making a meaningful impact on the world rather than spreading misinformation. The rift between the two influential figures serves as a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of ego and the importance of using one’s resources for the greater good.