Okomfo Kolege, a popular actor, recently found himself at the center of controversy when photos of him surfaced on social media, leading to rumors of his remarriage. The actor, however, clarified that he had not remarried but was merely standing in for someone else, although he did not reveal the identity of the person.
In a statement addressing the issue, Okomfo Kolege expressed his frustration with the situation. He urged the individual who posted the picture from a fake account to come forward and clarify the situation. He emphasized that there was nothing wrong with standing in as a husband for relatives abroad and questioned why there was such a strong reaction from the public.
Furthermore, Okomfo Kolege raised a poignant question about the public’s expectations regarding his personal life. He asked whether Ghanaians would prefer him to remain single after the passing of his wife two years ago or if they would rather see him in a new relationship. He emphasized the emotional toll of losing his wife and the need for understanding and empathy from the public.
The controversy surrounding Okomfo Kolege’s alleged remarriage stems from the tragic loss of his wife, Millicent Oteng, in 2022. Photos and videos that surfaced on social media fueled speculation about a private ceremony where the actor was rumored to have tied the knot again. However, Okomfo Kolege has made it clear that he was not getting married but was simply supporting someone else in a familial role.
In conclusion, Okomfo Kolege’s personal life should be respected, and rumors and speculations should be avoided. The actor has been through a difficult period following the loss of his wife, and he deserves understanding and support from the public. It is essential to clarify misunderstandings and respect his privacy during this challenging time.