Robert Downey Jr., known for his iconic roles in various films, recently expressed his disapproval of the idea of artificial intelligence-powered versions of himself creating new movies in his likeness. In a conversation on the “On With Kara Swisher” podcast, the 59-year-old actor made it clear that he would take legal action against any studios attempting to digitally recreate him.
During the podcast, Downey humorously stated, “I would like to here state that I intend to sue all future executives just on spec,” acknowledging the absurdity of the situation as he would no longer be around when such a scenario unfolded. However, he jokingly added that his law firm would still be active even after his passing.
Despite his strong stance against digital re-creation, Downey emphasized that he is not fixated on the idea of AI stealing his essence after his death. He explained that his thoughts on artificial intelligence and digital replication exist on two separate tracks, with his primary focus being on his emotional life and personal experiences.
Downey also expressed confidence in the current Marvel executives, stating that he is not concerned about them “hijacking” his character’s soul. He trusts the small group of decision-makers at Marvel Studios to respect his legacy and the characters he has portrayed.
Listeners can tune in to the podcast to hear Downey’s full comments on AI, with the discussion on this topic starting around the 35-minute mark. The actor’s candid remarks shed light on his perspective on the intersection of technology and entertainment in the film industry.
In conclusion, Robert Downey Jr.’s firm stance against the digital recreation of his likeness serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving an actor’s legacy and unique contributions to cinema. His humor and wit in addressing this topic on the podcast showcase his personality and dedication to maintaining the integrity of his work.