NASA scientists recently made a groundbreaking discovery, uncovering an underground “city” buried 100 feet beneath the ice of Greenland. The remarkable find was made using advanced radar technology, revealing signs of human construction deep beneath the island territory’s icy surface.
The underground city, known as Camp Century, was originally an abandoned Cold War-era military installation. The rediscovery of this hidden structure was made possible by a NASA Gulfstream III aircraft back in April. The surprising revelation left researchers amazed at the unexpected findings beneath the ice.
Alex Gardner, a cryospheric scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, expressed his astonishment at stumbling upon Camp Century. Initially unaware of what they had discovered, the team quickly realized the significance of their findings. The goal of the project was to understand the capabilities of the radar technology used for mapping the ice sheet’s internal layers and the ice-bed interface.
Camp Century was originally designed as a “city under the ice,” with ambitious plans for over 3,000 miles of tunnels intended to provide a strategic advantage in a potential nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union. The massive structure, built by the US Army Corps of Engineers at the request of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, was part of the nation’s nuclear deterrent policy during the Cold War era.
The hidden city was designed to be three times the size of Denmark, with plans for 2,000 firing positions and 600 “Iceman missiles” to be launched in the event of a nuclear war. These missiles would have had the capability to destroy 80% of US targets in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, making Camp Century a crucial part of the nation’s defense strategy.
Despite the grand plans for Project Iceworm and Camp Century, the project was ultimately abandoned in 1967. The exorbitant cost, challenges associated with building beneath an ever-shifting ice sheet, and the revelation of the true intentions behind the project led to its decommissioning.
In a surprising turn of events, former US President Donald Trump once considered the idea of purchasing Greenland from the Kingdom of Denmark to capitalize on the rare and strategic resources present on the icy tundra. This revelation sheds light on the historical significance of Camp Century and the implications of its discovery beneath the icy surface of Greenland.