Former Congressman Rodney Davis has been tasked with the important job of repairing the strained relationship between the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Party. With Donald Trump’s presidency ushering in a new era of populism and change, the Chamber faces the challenge of regaining its influence in Washington.
Davis, who served in the House from 2013 to 2023, is no stranger to the inner workings of Congress. His experience and connections make him the perfect candidate to bridge the gap between the Chamber and its Republican allies. In an interview with Playbook co-author Rachael Bade, Davis outlined his strategy for restoring the Chamber’s influence and advancing its priorities in the new political landscape.
One key aspect of Davis’ approach is to emphasize the shared priorities between the Chamber and the Republican Party. Despite recent disagreements, both sides have common goals when it comes to issues such as taxes, energy permitting, and immigration. By highlighting these common interests, Davis hopes to remind his former colleagues of the value of a strong partnership with the business community.
In addition to focusing on shared priorities, Davis also stressed the importance of building relationships with key players in Congress and the White House. By cultivating strong connections and fostering open communication, he believes that the Chamber can make significant strides in advancing its agenda and securing a seat at the table in policy discussions.
Overall, Davis is confident that with the right approach and a concerted effort to mend fences, the Chamber can regain its influence and play a significant role in shaping policy in Trump’s Washington. By leveraging his experience and relationships, Davis is determined to ensure that the Chamber’s voice is heard and its priorities are addressed in the new political landscape.