The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, recently made a passionate appeal to the Christian community to uphold peace and security during the upcoming 2024 general elections. During his visit to a Catholic Church in Accra, Dr Dampare emphasized the crucial role of ensuring peaceful elections and urged all citizens to actively work towards a violence-free electoral process.
In his address, Dr Dampare stressed the importance of vigilance and called on the Christian community to educate their families, friends, and colleagues about the significance of maintaining peace during elections. He urged them not to allow themselves to be manipulated for selfish interests that could disrupt the peace and security of the nation.
The IGP reassured the church and the entire nation of the security agencies’ unwavering commitment to ensuring peaceful elections. He expressed readiness to collaborate with all stakeholders to uphold law and order, emphasizing that the security agencies would spare no effort in safeguarding the nation’s peace and security.
Dr Dampare also requested the church to pray for divine strength for the security agencies as they carry out their duties. As part of his outreach, he visited other churches in Accra, including the Methodist, Assemblies of God, and Presbyterian churches, to engage with the Christian community and seek their support in promoting peace and security during the electoral process.
In conclusion, the IGP’s call to the Christian community serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to prioritize peace and security in the upcoming elections. By working together and remaining vigilant, citizens can contribute to a peaceful and successful electoral process that upholds the democratic values of the nation.