On Christmas Day, a chaotic family altercation unfolded at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, resulting in three individuals being shot and another being stabbed. The incident occurred at a restaurant in Terminal Four, prior to the security checkpoint, around 9:45 p.m. Witnesses reported that a gun was brandished during the altercation, leading to gunfire erupting in the area.
Upon investigation, three individuals were discovered with gunshot wounds, with one woman being in critical condition. Additionally, authorities detained a man with stab wounds and a girl who was unharmed in the airport’s parking garage. Sgt. Mayra Reeson stated that the incident appeared to be a family dispute that escalated into violence.
Emergency services promptly transported the injured individuals to the hospital, with the critically wounded woman receiving urgent medical attention. Fortunately, the two men who were shot and the stabbed man are reported to be in stable condition. As of now, the identities of those involved in the altercation have not been disclosed.
In response to the shooting, the terminal’s security checkpoint and restaurants were temporarily closed down, although flight operations remained unaffected. Both airport officials and law enforcement are actively investigating the incident to determine the circumstances that led to the violence. The situation is ongoing, and authorities are working to ensure the safety and security of all passengers and staff at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.