Donald Trump’s desperation to become president for a second time has led to his complete and total degradation of Black people. It was already bad when his initial opponent for the upcoming election was President Joe Biden, but he’s only dialed it up since his primary competitor for the Oval Office is now a Black woman.
Trump attempted to garner Black support by speaking at the Black Conservative Federation in February, where he said that we “embraced his mugshot” more than anybody else. He visited Black churches, took photos with rappers and repeated the lie that he has done more for us than any other president.
Then, Biden made the shocking announcement last month that he would not be seeking a second term. Ever since Vice President Kamala Harris was formally announced as Trump’s new opponent, the attacks have ramped up — most of them racist — in alarming rates from Trump and his team.
If you’re a Black Trump supporter in 2024, there’s only one question that comes to mind: What the hell are you thinking?
Trump’s attacks on Harris—which include questioning her racial identity, calling her “dumb,” spreading false information about the sizes of her rallies, and reportedly calling her a “bitch” behind closed doors—show just how low he is willing to go to become President again.
He reminded the nation of this abhorrent determination on Wednesday (August 28) when Trump shared a disgusting, sexist post directed at both Harris and his 2016 presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton. As his allies imply that Harris is a slave or cite Jim Crow laws when they critique her, Trump has chosen to remain silent.
Trump’s disdain for Black women has become visceral, even though his campaign has shared ads insisting that they are in his corner. How could any Black person choose to support him at this point? Sadly, it’s not just his full fledged racism and lies that are dangerous to Black people.
If elected, Trump has stated that he’ll grant cops blanket protections from lawsuits, reimpose his Muslim travel ban, request Congress to pass a bill that would acknowledge “only two genders,” go up against “anti-white racism,” rollback pollution limits and get rid of the Department of Education.
All of Trump’s plans are outlined in Project 2025, which he has denied being a part of despite echoing most of its sentiments. Black Trump supporters need to understand that a Trump presidency would hurt marginalized communities the most.
And as the saying goes, when America catches a cold Black America, catches pneumonia—so Black Trump allies need to ultimately rethink their stance.